Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Blended Bulletin Boards

With more focus on bulletin boards and the display of meaningful student work I wanted to pass on a few recommendations that will allow you to show that you are integrating technology into your classroom and allow you to make your boards more interactive.

·         Add a QR Code
o   You can add a Quick Response (QR) code to any document, video, presentation; really anything that has a weblink.
§  Create a weblink for documents with Google Docs. Upload the document or presentation and “share” it to the public. You’ll get a link. Copy It.
§  Go to  and enter the link. It will generate a code for you.
§  Copy it to a word document. Print and post it!

·         Add an Interactive Discussion Board
o   You can allow students and others to offer digital comments using . They visit a unique link and write in their comments on the work on a digital dashboard.
o   Create an account. Click the plus sign in the top right corner to create a new dashboard.
o   Paste the unique link to the work or create a qr code using the above instructions.
·         Join the Twitterverse (works the same way with Instagram)
o   By far the easiest of the choices I’m mentioning, you can create a hashtag for the project you’re displaying.
o   Tweet about the project using a unique identifier, ex. #MilesTechProject.
o   Have the students join the conversation by tweeting using the same hashtag.
o   Post the hashtag on your bulletin board so others can join the conversation.

Here is a link to a video tutorial I’ve created to help with your QR codes.

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