Monday, August 20, 2012

Book Club!

Book Club is Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaack! Sign up for the Book Club and Helen Ruffin Reading Bowl is open and available in the library. We will:

  •  Read Books! 
  • Go on Field Trips! 
  • Host Reading Events and Challenges! 
  • Compete with other high schools on book trivia! 
  • Win Prizes! 

 Check out last year's titles!

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Young Voices of America Writing Contest

Young Voices of America Write a Family Story
Contest Open Now
Students in Grades K-12 are invited to submit their best writing. 
The theme of this contest is FAMILY. Write a story that depicts a family facing an interesting or dramatic situation. The story can be fiction or nonfiction.  Include strong characters, an interesting setting, and dialogue that moves the story forward.  
Need some help getting started? Ask relatives to tell you about the funniest, most amazing, or interesting thing that ever happened to someone in your family. You may be surprised by what you learn.
Accepting Submissions June 11, 2012 - August 31, 2012
Spelling, Grammar and Punctuation Count 
Make sure to follow ALL the rules for submitting your work. 
In every contest we have to disqualify a number of very good entries because the writer didn't follow the rules for submitting his or her work. Don't let that happen to you. 

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

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