Web Sites
Algebasics: Online multimedia overview of Algebra concepts.
The Biology Project - The department of biochemistry and molecular biophysics at the University of Arizona has created this site with you in mind. Find information regarding the very basics of biology, such as cell biology, but also learn about toxicology and how tobacco harms your lungs.
Chem4Kids - Find basic information in an easy to understand format about chemistry.
Engineering.com -Explore biographies of prominent engineers or use the conversion calculators. This site is a one-stop-shop for engineering. You can even play games.
HippoCampus- Interactive videos and tutorials on Physics, Environmental Science
Math.com Homework Help: Tutorials with step-by-step guides to Statistics and Geometry concepts.
MathTV: Online video tutorials of math concepts
WebMath: Discovery Education's multimedia homework helper for Algebra and Geometry
MathWorld: A GREAT resource for explanations on everything from variables to proofs.
Science Daily - The latest science research news across a number of subjects including robotics.
SparkNotes- The ultimate study guide. Find information ranging from the simple to the complex in the following subjects: Chemistry, Physics, and Biology
Databases: Access all district databases here: http://www2.youseemore.com/AtlantaPS/linkinclude.asp. See Mrs. Miles for the GALILEO password to access the following databases:
EBSCO Host Science and Technology Collection - Access over 830 science, math and technology journals to get accurate scholarly information across a number of subjects.
Encyclopedia Brittanica Online School Edition - The Learning Materials section incorporates interactive guides to language arts, mathematics, and science. Find pictures, videos and descriptive articles on everything from compounds to the Central Nervous System.
National Science Digital Library - Access information from all levels of science,technology, engineering, and mathematics.
SIRS Knowledge Source
- A general database of selected full-text articles on social,
scientific, health, historic, economic, business, political, and global
issues. Includes charts, maps and illustrations